Saturday, February 20, 2010


A man named Jesus was crucified for his beliefs. He stood for something that some people didn’t like, and he was brutally tortured and killed for it.

How could the people in the crowds, those who knew Jesus was innocent, just stand there and watch as Jesus was crucified?

An entire people were persecuted by a man named Hitler and his followers. For their beliefs—for their very existence—they were herded like animals, tortured, experimented on, and slaughtered by the multitudes.

How could the non-Jews sit by in their nice comfy living rooms as millions of Jews were tortured and killed? Surely, people should not be killed simply for existing.

Welcome to the twenty-first century, where thousands of innocent babies are murdered daily, in our own country, right next door to our stores and our houses and our schools.

And where are we?

Watching TV. Perusing Youtube. Ignoring the putrid smoke rising from the camps. Pretending not to hear the screams of “Crucify him.” We have no smoke, no screams for murder. The kills are silent. We walk by as a woman, pregnant with life, steps into a nice little building and walks out with an empty hole in her womb; no child in her hands, only death. Death on her hands but we do nothing.

Welcome to original sin. The right to choose. The right to say forget God and his rules. I make my own rules, I make my own right and wrong. The right to choose a way to live. This is my lifestyle and you don’t have the right to speak against it.

We are not allowed to judge.

This is her right, her choice. Who are we to say she is wrong? The sins of God are now replaced by the sins of political correctness; it is a sin to say that anyone else is wrong. It is a sin to call her “murderer.”

We have the right to abortion. Just as Satan handed Eve the apple, convincing her she had the right, so he hands the modern woman a simple pill, a syringe, a rusty hanger and says, “You have the right.” But we don’t have the right to stop her.

Not everyone was screaming “Crucify him” in those crowds. Not every German citizen marched the Jews to the doors of the death camps. There were those in the crowd who said nothing. There were Germans who averted their eyes from the smoke of human bonfires. There are those among us who say abortion is horrible, but I want tax breaks. I want a better economy. I want better education for my children. I want a better foreign policy.

There is no truth. Everything is true and nothing is true.

Do you not hear our doctors and nurses echoing the words of German soldiers when they say “I was just following orders.” If your boss told you to jump off a bridge, would you? Of course not. But what if he told you to push someone? Pontius Pilate washed his hands of the death of the Christ, and two thousand years later mothers are washing their hands of the blood of their own children.

Till convenience do us part.

So enjoy your tax breaks. Enjoy better foreign policy. Enjoy fixing the environment. Enjoy better education for your children. Enjoy whatever it is that is more important than the life of a human.

Don’t let abortion stop you; don’t be like the ignorant simpletons who care only about abortion. What these one-issue voters don’t realize is that there are bigger issues. Abortion isn’t going to end any time soon, so why fight for it? Why care about babies in the womb when there are people dying because of war? So what if far more babies die because of abortion? Surely ugly deaths in Iraq are more important than thousands of daily deaths that we don’t see.

Out of sight out of mind: the fate of the unborn.

I’m sorry I had sex with my boyfriend. I’m sorry I can’t afford you. I’m sorry, but I got raped. What is my alternative? Adoption? That’s too hard. Too much work. That’s too painful. Let me take a pill and you are no longer my problem. Let me close my eyes and pretend you aren’t a person. Let me close my eyes and create my own reality. My own truth.

Your crime is existence, your sentence: death.

The womb is sacred. That’s my body; don’t you dare invade my body. But which is the invasion? Is it invading a woman’s body to stop her from taking the pill, or is it invading to put a man-made device into her? Is it invasion to knock away the knife or to insert the scalpel into her womb? Doesn’t invasion require for something to invade? Isn’t the doctor invading when he enters her body in any form to kill the child? Isn’t the mother invading when she swallows the pill?

Welcome to the 21st Century. We have taken the apple. We have taken the power of God into our own hands.

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